As a friend said the other day, “Fat is where the flavor is.” Fatty meats are tastier cuts for sure but fatty meats near bones are generally the tastiest, juiciest and most flavorful. Pork ribs are diabetes friendly.
- Cooking pork ribs… mmmm.
- Homemade Low Carb ‘rub’ recipe.
Fatty meats are the cornerstone of my ‘low carb paleo’ diabetes diet. Why? Fatty meats provide every thing we require, to not only survive… but to thrive! Fatty meats provide our bodies with protein and fats for fuel!
Our bodies do not require dietary carbohydrates to survive nor to thrive. Gluconeogenesis provides our bodies with all of the glucose our bodies need. I address this in, “Why Low Carb Works“.
Rib Preparation
1. Wash (rinse) Ribs and pat dry.
2. Rub Louisiana Hot Sauce (or your favorite hot sauce) on to the bone side first, shake Slap Ya Mama Cajun Spice and flip so meat side is up and repeat.
3. Place in refrigerator for a couple of hours if possible… I never do and they taste great.
4. Preheat Oven to 200 degrees.
Low Carb Sauce Recipe
5. Add ½ cup of water to 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar.
Add these spices:
2 Tablespoons of Slap Ya Mama Cajun Spice
1 Tablespoon of Black Pepper
1 Tablespoon of Red Pepper
1 Tablespoon of Paprika
Cooking Ribs

6. Place ribs in the oven, on bottom of a broiler pan, meat side up. Baking at 200 degrees for an hour.
7. After an hour, remove from oven and increase temperature to 300 degrees.
Baste, using a brush with the low carb sauce.
* After an hour cooking, you should have plenty of “juice” mixed with the vinegar sauce in the bottom of the broiling pan. I use this liquid to baste, if not, use the Low Carb Sauce.
8. Return to the oven, bone side up, cooking for 30 minutes at 300 degrees.
9. Remove, baste and turn meat side up. Return to oven for another 30 minutes at 350 degrees.
10. Remove, baste, leave meat side up. Return to oven for the final 30 minutes. BROIL on LOW the final 30 minutes. CHECKING and BASTING frequently IF the meat appears to dry.
** Place excess Low Carb Sauce in a bowl and use a brush or spoon to cover ribs in individual plates… to taste. :)
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