This Primal recipe is not as difficult or as involved as my primal chili recipe, here are all of my primal diabetes diet recipes. I think this recipe appears to be a “foodie recipe” because it’s more of an Hors d`Oeuvres or snack recipe.
- tasty, nutritious and delicious
- low carb paleo and diabetes friendly!
Below is a picture of the finished product. The picture does not do the low carb paleo dessert justice! Avocados coated in pecans and bacon, what’s not to love! :)

Ingredient Listing : 4 pieces of Bacon, Pecans (any nut could be used), 1/2 an avocado, fat (bacon or coconut oil). The bacon and pecans are ground using a food processor.
* You will also need toothpicks.
Optional: One optional ingredient I thought of while writing the blog post… cinnamon. Cinnamon is a great spice to add to drinks (coffee) and to foods. One because it’s flavorful and two… it reportedly improves insulin sensitivity.

Steps in Making This Low Carb Dessert
1) Bake /Broil 1 pound of bacon for rendered bacon fat. If you already have the rendered bacon fat or coconut oil melt about 10 Tbsp for a small test “batch”. Coconut Oil could also be used. Here is a picture of my bowl of rendered bacon fat.

2) Grind a handful of pecans (@ 1 oz) in the food processor and place on the plate.
3) Grind 4 pieces of bacon in the food processor and place on a plate.
4) Cut 1/2 of an Avocado in to 1/2 inch strips and then slice strips into approximately 1 ” long pieces.
5) Using toothpicks, pick up a Avocado slice and dip into the bowl of fat (either bacon fat or coconut oil). It can be eaten “as is”, I did and liked it. Not great… but tasted good IMHO.

6) There are three options from here.
A) Sprinkle and lightly press pecan crumbs on the Avocado slice. I LOVE Avocado…and I loved this with PECANS!

B) Sprinkle and lightly press bacon bits onto the Avocado slice. Next time I will “grind” the bacon bits more, I think this will aid in adhering to the slice. I loved this TOO!!! This reminds me of stalagmite cave columns, never thought I’d use that in a post…much less a recipe post. :)

C) Sprinkle and lightly press first the pecan crumbs and next sprinkle and lightly press bacon bits on to the slice. Ok, this was MY FAVORITE, the pecans added a nutty flavor (go figure) while the bacon added … wonderful bacon goodness! :)

7) After creating the samples above … I just threw all the leftovers into a pile, it was excellent!!! Eat low carb, paleo and diabetic friendly does NOT have mean eating bland foods. In fact it does not mean that at all. Fat is fabulous! :)
These would be perfect in a small bowl/cup or even a cupcake paper thingy. I am not a real foodie. :)

Low Carb Paleo Diabetic Friendly Dessert
The key to successfully self managing diabetes is what you eat! Eating truly low carb paleo foods will give you a fighting chance.
Finding and exploring different foods, tastes and textures is something I enjoy.
These desserts are very low carb, paleo and truly diabetic friendly. Give them a try, what have you got to lose!
Here is my Diabetes Meal Plan (free)
Here is my Diabetes Nutrition Chart (free)
Oh My Gosh…those look delicious and sound so GOOD… I wish I had some avocado right now…thanks for the idea. :)
You are welcome, thanks for commenting. :)