I have a post maintaining a summary of my Blood Sugar, Exercise and Commentary while attempting a seven day Coconut Oil Fast, you can view it here. “7 Day Fast“.
That post is getting kind of long …and I am ONLY ON day 2. I wanted to do a special ‘show and tell” so I created this separate post. :)
Blood Sugar
Yesterday started out with 93 at 8 AM… my next three readings about 4 hours apart were 93, 85 and 81. Normally my Overnight fasting Blood Sugar is in the 70’s-80’s but I had a big time over the weekend. :) You can read about most of it on this post, “Wrightsville Beach ’11“.
Today’s first three blood sugar readings for today are below… starting at 8 AM, noon and then at 5 PM.

Note: My lowest Overnight Fasting Blood Sugar reading ever is 73 and that was while eating my standard low carb meal plan. However, I am reading four times a day to make sure I do not ‘go low’. :)
I test for Kentones… once or twice a year… not very often. Normally when I test I have a trace or small ketone levels.
Why do I test only a couple of times a year? …because I don’t care. I am a type 2 diabetic and KETONES are why we do NOT need to eat carbs to LIVE!!! … nor to THRIVE!!! :) I love having ketones in my blood stream.
If you are a Type 1 Diabetic you must be aware of your ketone levels and adjust insulin ratios accordingly. (so I have been told)
As you can see … today I had small to moderate levels but then again… I have eaten and drank only coffee, water and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for about 48 hours. :)
For More info on Ketosis… read this post.
Lastly I want to brag about… I mean talk about my exercise today. :)
I began by doing 200 jumping jacks about 7 AM, then for lunch I did about 60 Sit Ups and 10 Jump Burpees …. but I felt a little light headed so I quit. (safety first)
Around 2 PM I did 75 “Palms on the Floor” Air Squats … and then tonight I just finished up doing more air squats and ‘Mary Katherines” or Jump Lunges.
In tonight’s session I exceeded my goal of obtaining 80% of my Maximum Heart Rate. Evidence below. :)

Anyway … I did ALL this on nothing but Coffee, Water and Coconut Oil for the last 48 hrs. Coconut Oil is almost all Saturated Fat … so as you can see… I THRIVE on Saturated Fat.
Tell the American Diabetes Association, which pushes a high carb LOW FAT meal plan … to kiss your blood glucose monitor!!!
…… I did!
Diabetic or NOT… go Low Carb PRIMAL …. and START THRIVING!!!!!
Here is my Diabetes Warrior Info:
My Diabetes Meal Plan ( a true diabetes diet, not like most of those promoted by American Diabetes Association)
This is awesome! Can’t wait to see how you hold up through the rest of the week.