THE key to successfully managing diabetes? A proper diabetes diet of course. Here’s mine, “A Meal Plan you can live with.” There are many other important factors, however you must control what you consume.
- coconut flour gravy is low carb
- the gravy tastes great
- coconut flour is easy to use!
Fatty meats are what I mostly eat. Add eggs, leafy greens with occasional nuts and berries and that’s 905% of what I eat. However, I finally gave in to using Coconut Flour … for gravy. :) It was awesome!

Click here for the post about the entire meal. I only plan on using the recipe on special occasions and I was ELATED when all turned out as planned.
I’ve claimed to make ‘gravy’ before and technically I did, I would add meat broth, butter and cream together while boiling to reduce. But this was different, this was similar to gravies I was used to growing up.
In MY OPINION … it’s EVEN easier than the traditional wheat flour version. The coconut flour does not clump together as easily… whisking and stirring periodically was all that was needed to make a delicious and thick gravy.
Let’s get started. :)
Steps to Coconut Flour Gravy
1) Cook the meat! Using a crock pot is perfect, there is plenty of excess broth. There are ways to obtain broth from the caramelized bottom of a skillet but we’ll assume you have several cups of ‘meat broth’.
Below is the beef and broth I had from a recent Grok Pot (Crock Pot) cooking event.

2) I removed 4 cups of broth and poured into a small pot. Add to that 1/2 cup of heavy cream and I like to add some of the meat as well. See below.

3) I experimented but eventually I added 4 TBS of Coconut Flour to the mixture. I whisked the mixture while adding the Coconut Flour. One unexpected benefit? … Coconut Flour does NOT ‘clump’ or lump together like wheat flour.
It thickened up nicely. After I finished eating, the gravy had really thickened up. If you like VERY thick gravy 5 TBS should be the amount to use and let it ‘set up’ about an hour before meal time.
4) Below you can get a hint at the thickness of the gravy and as I mentioned previously, by the time I finished eating, it had thickened up even more. By the way, it does not take me long to eat. :)

I can NOW eat GRAVY!!!! Gluten free and very low carb!!!!! WOO HOOOO!!!! :)
Nutritional Information
I used 3 TBS of Coconut Flour for the entire recipe …which is 1.5 servings of the flour.
I used a total of 12 grams TOTAL Carbs for the ENTIRE gravy ‘batch’, but only 4.5 grams if you ‘NET’ carbs.
About two hours post meal I tested my blood sugar and read a 91. :) I did not read pre-meal so I can’t state a true Blood Sugar response… but I will take a ’91’ any day.
This places coconut flour gravy squarely in the ‘diabetic friendly’ column and it’s part of my list of foods a diabetic can use.
Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally
If your blood sugars are elevated and you cannot achieve truly normal blood sugars with diet alone…
READ MY BOOK! How to Reduce Blood Sugars.
A proper diabetes diet is truly the key to winning the war against diabetes. Coconut flour is low carb and a nice addition to your diabetes diet.