The key to maintaining normal blood sugars is your diabetes diet. Eating truly diabetes friendly foods is THE most important factor. This post shows you one ‘low carb paleo’ variation to an old high carb favorite.
- the taste and textures of this meal are phenomenal!
- the meal was nutritious. delicious and truly diabetes friendly… a win/win/win!
Roast beef is always diabetes friendly, the fattier the better. Often pre-diabetes this meal would include glutenous high carb gravy and super high-carb creamed potatoes. My version is ‘low carb paleo’, made with real foods.
If you are not totally DELIGHTED with this recipe …. full 100 % DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
This was so delicious… even my toughest critic had seconds!
So sit back, relax and read all about it. It will not take long AND it just might save your life.
Beef Roast and Creamed Cauliflower
In addition to being delicious and nutritious, this recipe is also diabetes friendly!
1) Place 1.55 lb Chuck Roast in the grok pot (crock pot). I bought one with visible fat… the more fat the better in my opinion. I buy it fatty for flavor, satiety and health of COURSE!
I cooked this roast on high for 3 hours, if all day or all night, cook on low.
I added a cup of water to the crok pot and seasoned the roast with Salt, Pepper and Slap Ya Mama! .
2) About two hours into the cooking, drain off 1 cup of broth, leaving some to prevent sticking.
Pour the cup of broth into a small pot and heat on medium to reduce.
3) While reducing the broth in a separate pot, add 3 TBS of butter.

4) While the butter and broth reduce; add 4 TBS of heavy whipping cream.
Bring it to a slow boil and add 8 TBS of Coconut Flour and stir whisk until fully blended.
Boil slowly stirring and whisking periodically.
5) I used frozen cauliflower (1 lb) due to ease and convenience (I had a full day) … thaw the cauliflower and ‘rice’ the florets in a food processor.
You can use unfrozen, whole cauliflowers too of course.
6) Add the cauliflower, a stick of butter and 4 TBS of Heavy Whipping Cream into a large bowl. I then heated the cauliflower in a microwave for a total of (3) minutes. Stopping every minute to mix the butter and heavy cream.
I add Slap Ya Mama! and Black Pepper to taste. :)

7) Remove the roast from the Grok Pot (crock pot) … isn’t it BEAUTIFUL!!! Love that fat!
8) Add the roast and creamed cauliflower to a plate… pour on the gravy…. add a little salsa for a little color and spice…it’s NICE! :)
Meat and Creamed Cauliflower
Yet another low carb, truly diabetic friendly, tasty and satiating meal.
The American Diabetes Association would not approve of this meal … because it has too much fat, too much protein and there are no ‘whole grains’.
But do not listen to them…. I have normal blood sugar, am normal weight… and I take -0- drugs and -0- insulin. Not bad for a type 2 diabetic…
ENJOY LIFE … and enjoy your food … GUILT FREE!!!
Reduce Your Blood Sugar the Warrior Way
Below is my personal ‘diabetes care’ manual. It is truly diabetes friendly, not Big Food, Big Pharma and Medical Industry friendly. Every person who follows my plan improves blood sugar control. Not coincidentally, each person who follows my diabetes care plan reduces the profits of Big Food, Big Pharma and the Medical Industry.