On June 9th, 2011 I turned 50, yes I had a low carb, paleo, diabetic birthday dinner!! Here is a post regarding my fitness activities on my birthday, “New Set Record on My 50th birthday“.
- You can celebrate & enjoy birthday parties as a diabetic.
- Once you adapt to low carb paleo, you will never go back!

Over the last week I’ve eaten one meal a day, 5 days. The other two days I’ve only eaten twice. On this day, I ‘fasted‘ until my Birthday dinner, pic below.
For exercise, my wife and I headed over to the High School Football Field a little after noon. I started off by running a mile in a new ‘personal best’ of 8:19!!! :) Followed that up with 50 more minutes of plyometrics, bear crawls and various other body weight exercises… I received plenty of FREE VITAMIN D3!!!
We came back home to ‘clean up’ and get ready to go out for the day. I drink an occasional alcoholic drink, usually a glass of wine. One week I may not drink at all but the next… I may have a glass on Friday and Saturday night. Then again, I may go weeks or months without any wine.
On this afternoon my wife bought me a low carb Margarita Pre-Mixed drink, “Skinny Girl”, at only 2.6 grams of carbs per serving… not bad at all. I had a drink while we were getting ready and one more before we left…. I LIKE! :)

Along the way to a restaurant we stopped by the “Daveste’ Vineyards’. North Carolina has 100’s of vineyards … it’s wine industry has been growing steadily.
The picture of the Malbec wine bottle was added for two of my friends Joy Young and Karen Gale … they both love Malbec.
The Malbec was the best wine we tasted at this particular winery.
I am NOT a wine connoisseur but I’ve tasted a few wines in my time… their wines were ‘ok’ but not worth the prices they were charging in my opinion.
On a positive note, all of the wines were ‘dry’ and definitely drinkable. None stood out however.
Next on our stop was “JR Cigars“, they have a huge cigar inventory. I purchased a pack of ‘alternatives’ which is JR’s lingo for “knock offs” or copies. I love AF’s (Arturo Fuentes), I bought these for an upcoming beach trip. I love smelling fresh ocean salt air… but an occasional cigar after being fully sated… is great too.
Note: In my 20’s and 30’s I enjoyed smoking ‘stogies’ occasionally but with the increasing upper respiratory issues thanks to my high carb ‘lifestyle’ … for YEARS I could never enjoy a cigar … but yesterday it hit me … I can once again enjoy a CIGAR! … yet another one of life’s simple pleasure that I had given up…. but can enjoy once again. THANKS PRIMAL! :)
Low Carb Paleo, Diabetic Birthday Dinner
Just because YOU are eating out … does NOT mean that you can not enjoy yourself and STILL BE LOW CARB.
When we arrived I explained to Beth our server, that I was a diabetic self managing my disease with diet and exercise. She was very helpful in menu suggestions and made sure I was given no ‘sugar added’ food items.
She was so sweet, she sat down and said, “I’m not going to bring out the rolls like I normally do…. ” I interrupted her and told her, “That’s very sweet of you but it’s not necessary … I’ve been doing this for two years now and I am not tempted at all… so bring it on!!!” :)
If you know me … you know that I can talk and talk and talk about PALEO LIVING….
Here is a picture of my dad and his wife Kathy after listening to me all evening talk about primal this… diabetes that…. you know… it’s not like they have not heard it all before. :)
Of course… I thought I was being so cool … but Tammy said after we were driving home… “I didn’t think you would ever shut up.” Oooops. :(
Here was my meal … it was so good… and PRIMAL! :) I also had a couple of low carb Michelob Ultras, at less than 3 g of carbs per serving… I stayed well within my 50g self limitation of carbohydrates for the day.

Low Carb Paleo Foods
My low carb paleo, birthday dinner was delicious!! It was also nutritious and extremely healthy.
A perfect combination for diabetics who want to obtain and maintain normal blood sugars… like me. :)
Here is my Diabetes Warrior Info:
My Diabetes Meal Plan ( a true diabetes diet,not like most of those promoted by American Diabetes Association