Did you read the latest headlines Yesterday?
“The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) is streamlining litigation for all federal cases alleging injury caused by the diabetes drug ACTOS®.”
“Plaintiffs allege that individuals who use Actos face an increased risk of developing bladder cancer. Plaintiffs further allege that the defendants concealed their knowledge of this risk and failed to provide adequate warnings to consumers and the health care community. “
Yet ANOTHER diabetes drug has shown to increase the risk for cancer or some OTHER serious illness/disease.
By the way, this is not new news… this is just more news.
This article discusses the Diabetes Drug Actos … what drug will it be tomorrow? …
“A review of official reports of bad drug reactions is revealing more signs that people taking the diabetes drug Actos are at higher risk of developing bladder cancer.”
Did you read that? Just another in a long line of diabetes drugs that have serious health consequences.
AND I’m the crazy one for following a lifestyle that helped me go drug-less … and to be illness free.
More links regarding Actos and increased risk of Bladder Cancer.
Conventional Wisdom Rag WebMD, “Bladder Cancer Warning”
ABC news is reporting, “FDA Warns of Bladder Cancer Risk” … yes, the FDA, the Food And Drug Advocates… I mean Administration.
So tell me… why does the American Diabetes Association and all of their Minions … push a meal plan that REQUIRES it’s adherents to TAKE MORE DRUGS AND INSULIN!!! WHY??? … Here is a post on Why… “19 million”
But for now… let’s get back to the article.
Another quote from this article, “Diabetes Drug Actos”…
“…more than a fifth of those bladder cancers were in patients taking Actos (pioglitazone), suggesting a “disproportionate risk” in comparison with other anti-diabetics, said study author Dr. Elisabetta Poluzzi of the University of Bologna in Italy.”
“A certain number of people taking a drug will always develop other problems, she explained…”
… of COURSE taking drugs has side affects… I loved the second quote … it’s like yes, we all know this.
Apparently NOT the American Diabetes Association!!!!
If I preach anything it’s this… DO NOT TAKE DRUGS NEEDLESSLY!!
Time after time we find out that drugs cause or increase the likelihood of diseases… including cancer.
DRUGS… all drugs are foreign to the body and will likely cause adverse reactions … so why take them if you do not have to?
Fact: DIABETICS who follow a high carb meal plan that cause them to take more and MORE drugs and insulin… and therefore take drugs and insulin needlessly!
Every person (that I work with) that follows a low carb paleo meal plan reduces drugs and insulin… EVERYONE!
That is a 100% success rate at reducing drugs and insulin. Many wean off drugs completely.
REMEMBER THIS… “Within ALL drugs … there is some poison.”
Please do not take drugs needlessly.
By the way, if you are following a high carb meal plan… you are taking drugs needlessly.
Note: Maintaining proper blood sugar control is THE key. Regardless of how you eat or exercise, you must maintain NORMAL BLOOD SUGARS.
For some… even after following a low carb paleo meal plan, their body has been damaged to the point that even then… some drugs may be needed.
The important point is to reduce drugs and insulin as much as possible.
Here is my Diabetes Warrior Info:
My Diabetes Meal Plan ( a true diabetes diet, not like most of those promoted by American Diabetes Association)