I have not posted a blog post this MONTH!!! What is UP with that??? No matter what you may be thinking… it’s NOT a direct result of the “Investigation“. The investigation is a distraction no doubt… but it has in NO WAY quieted my tongue… or tempered my language.
If you have not connected with me on Facebook, Google + or Twitter … I hope that you will click on them and let’s connect. You will see that I am still vocal … :)
In an attempt to widen the audience as well as to create a ‘community’, I’ve started a forum. Karen Gale has agreed to help moderate.
To visit the Forum… click here, just remember we are just starting… be careful of the ‘construction debris’. :)
Investigation Update
I have been cautioned about providing updates on legal matters… especially since I do not have official representation. Therefore I’ll just say that I have been and continue to be in talks with firms regarding representation.
The outpouring of support has been so empowering…and encouraging. Thank you all!
New page, “Investigation News” dedicated to posts and articles relating to the investigation.
Steve Update
1/24/12 – Achieved a new ‘maximum 45lb kettle bells swings’ in 15 minutes… 353! I am proud of that. :)
Started a new workout that lasts less than 60 minutes. The workout? Maximum Sets of 10 each – Pull Ups (assisted), Lunges, Push Ups, Sumo Squats (palms on the floor).
Feb 10, 2012 Completed 25 sets of 10 … or 250 each in 56 mins — that’s 1,000 movements in less than an hour. I think this proves that after being on a very low carb, grain free ‘meal plan’ ….
I’m still not only surviving… but I am THRIVING! :)
I exercised VERY intensely two days in a row… so I am relaxing today. It was 20 degrees when I took Ollie for a walk. It was sunny and other than the cold….. a gorgeous day! Here are a few pictures. :)
Why post the above picture? …
1) To get Ollie in another picture…
2) To show you I’m wearing my son’s jeans … the jeans he wore in high school.
3) And yes, I wear pink ‘crocs’ (I thought 20 degrees was too cold to go barefoot) … these are also my son’s. :)
So why post this picture?
Despite the very cold temps… I still discarded my shoes and walked around barefoot for about 30 minutes. I always feel better when I can walk barefoot. Perhaps it’s all in my ‘mind’ … but I feel grounded. :) I also am showing off (again) that I can wear my son’s high school jeans. :))
Blood Sugar Update?
… CLICK HERE to watch a video of me testing my blood sugar less than a week ago, the day after the Super Bowl. :)
So to sum up this “Primal Steve Update” … I am doing GREAT!!! … still THRIVING and not just surviving.
I am not deterred by the ‘investigation’ … and thanks to the support of so many of you … I feel emboldened, empowered and encouraged to continue the fight to the end.
…and for that, I say THANK YOU! :)