This is NOT an April Fool’s post… it is NOT. If you eat and move as I do… I will all but guarantee it will add years to your life and add life to your years.
I am doing another experiment. You can see previous posts on it here “Intro” “Week One” for all the details including the ‘why’ but in short… I am doing a Very Low Carb, Very strict paleo meal plan for 30 days. No eggs, no dairy… basically just meats and leafy green veggies. I am primarily testing the effect it will have on my blood sugar and insulin resistance.
The primary focus of this post will be on blood sugars… due to some surprising news today.
Results Thus Far?
Before I discuss blood sugars I need to give a little background. The main reason I am doing this experiment is to see the effect of 30 days of ‘very low carb, strict paleo’ on my ‘diabetes’.
1. The lowest blood sugar reading I remember having while I was eating as I normally do (low carb primal) was 74 mg/dl.
I have experienced lower… much lower readings while eating an all fat or almost all fat diet and that too was during an experiment.
My current experiment involves eating just meats and veggies. The only real difference is the avoidance of eggs, dairy and wine. What little fruit and nuts I ate was so occasional, I really don’t think it figures into the equation. Giving up fruits and nuts was definitely not difficult.
2. I had not been reading my blood sugar regularly during this experiment because of an accident I had… here is a picture taken today. The injury occurred 3/27, five days ago. Here is a 13 sec video of the ‘fall’.
I think it’s healing well … despite what some may think. :) I have not washed it nor placed any lotions, potions nor salves… I have rubbed a little coconut oil on it twice.
Why is the scrape important to mention and why has it caused me not to read my blood sugar?
Infections and inflammation in general can raise blood sugar, I did not want the tainting of this scrape to influence the readings.
Blood Sugar
Other than an occasionally higher number, my blood sugars are almost always in the 70’s 80’s mg/dl, well within normal ranges for non-diabetics.
I woke up today and knew I had to take a blood sugar reading. It was the mid-point of the 30 day Challenge. I honestly would not have been shocked to see a 120 mg/dl … so I nervously took my blood sugar reading.
72!!! … Are you kidding me? Even with the scrape, this is the lowest reading I can ever remember, except for an all fat or almost all fat test. Yes, this is still an experiment… but it’s eating meats and veggies.
I was SHOCKED at the 72 mg/dl … and pleasantly so.
Here are my last three blood sugar readings… I began this experiment the night of March 17th.
While this experiment is still only half way completed… there is a definite trend here. I am cautiously optimistic about the 30 day results. By the way, here is the link to the “80 blood sugar testing video“.

It is only half way through… but there is definitely a trend here, I hope the trend continues although I hope it does level out a little. :)
Briefly, I’d like to say that my energy level has remained normal. I have noticed a slight ‘leaning out’ or some fat loss. My weight has decreased slightly but is still within the range of recent months, but on the low side of that range. I would need to lose about two pounds to reach a new yearly low.
Over the last 2 1/2 years I have followed a ‘low carb primal’ meal plan… and have definitely reaped the benefits.
This experiment is all about removing even more possible inflammatory foods (primarily all dairy and eggs) to see what effect it will have on my blood sugars or diabetes. So far… the results are encouraging… but it is still too early to say for sure.
Hi Steve,
I’m new to your blog. I’ve just been browsing around for a couple days trying to absorb all the new ideas to help my diabetic husband. I feel so sorry for your poor leg. :) I wanted to let you know about this awesome salve that I discovered a few years ago. I don’t know what the rules are about links in the comments so I will just give you the name and you can look it up. It’s called Eden Salve and I get it from Bulk Herb Store. The ingredients are all natural and it is amazing. We use it for scrapes, bug bites, and even poison ivy and cold sores. Hope your leg is healing well.
Leah H.
CAN YOU TELL US how did you get to those readings? list of foods? or… I tried to lower it but I just can’t. It is very difficult for me go cold turkey. it will be nice to eat something with low GI until i get used to and remove my carbs from diet. Thank you.
My meal plan and the list of foods I often eat are linked in a tab just above the header picture (with all the faces) under ‘Meal Plan’. Here is the meal plan link is a site you can check food nutrient levels ie carbs, protein, fat etc.
Here is a post on how I reduce Blood Sugars.
All the best. :)
Below, is my reply to your previous comment… in brief, I just eat meats and leafy green veggies… it’s that simple. Do NOT complicate things.
My meal plan and the list of foods I often eat are linked in a tab just above the header picture (with all the faces) under ‘Meal Plan’. Here is the meal plan link is a site you can check food nutrient levels ie carbs, protein, fat etc.
Here is a post on how I reduce Blood Sugars.
All the best. :)
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