My first food post in a LONG time. Why? My foods are so simple now, for the most part.
I typically cook meat with a handful of veggies.
However, I recently tried something different and I wanted to share because I think it can make a difference for some of you.
YOU will never need to buy a taco shell again… never!
Want something crunchy? BAM! Try a Poblano Pepper. It tastes very similar to a Green Pepper but with a ‘bite’. It’s not hot… but it is lukewarm, depending on your tastes. :)
And… you can really ‘load it up’ with contents. :)
How to Use Pablanos
I’ve used avocado and zucchini to hold food in the past… I did it by simply slicing them in half and removing the unwanted material. You can see previous food posts, “Stuffed Avocado“, “Stuffed Guacamole Supreme!” and “Zucchini Boats w/Chile“.
Slicing the Pablano in half did not work for me, there is not enough room to add a lot of meat. I do think halving would work if you are preparing appetizers … say with bacon and cheese! :)
I discovered these a few weeks ago and after experimenting (and stealing Karen Gales idea) I learned to just slice a little from top to bottom. This creates a nice pocket for all sorts of meats, cheeses and other plants. :)
In the picture you can see how I cut a strip down one side of the pepper. I use the firm cheese pieces to force and hold open the pepper. You can cram more into them this way.
Pro Tip: Too when you add the hot meat, it melts and creates… heaven! :)
Ingredients (per person) Total Carbs = 22 grams
1 Chicken Breast (0) carbs
1 Pablano pepper (4) carbs
2 Roma tomatoes (18) carbs
2 oz of cheese ( I used Monterrey Jack) (0) Carbs
Salt, Pepper to taste
Optional: Garlic, Onions and Oregano! (next time)
First – greased the skillet with butter, cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces and began cooking.
Second – I cut up the veggies as noted above.
Third – I am using a raw Pablano, if you would like to roast yours (and I do like it like that way as well) then now is the time to place in the over to roast or broil.
Fourth – When the chicken is ‘done’… add the tomato and pepper (and any other vegetables). I don’t cook my vegetables as much as I am warming and coating them with the fat that I’m cooking with. I like my vegetables crunchy.
Here is a picture of the chicken and vegetables cooked together.
Next – Load up the pepper!! or ‘stuff’ it if you prefer! :)
Pro Tip: I left the stem on the pepper. That aids in controlling your meal. :)
Lastly: Add cheese and microwave for a few seconds until the cheese melts.
Blood Sugar Readings
Almost forgot!! After consuming 22g of carbohydrates here are my blood sugar readings.
1 hr = 126 mg/dl
2 hr = 112 mg/dl
3 hr = 89 mg/dl
Take Home Message
4 1/2 years ago I started my low carb and ‘fully primal’ journey.
I love the way I eat and I love the way I FEEL!!! ….and I am NEVER GOING BACK to the way I once ate and lived.
I love to explore nature and…. new foods as well. I wandered into a Hispanic grocery store a few weeks ago, only a couple of blocks from where I live. I discovered Chorizo for the first time (no junk added, just spices) and Pablano Peppers!!
Embrace exploration!!! … of foods, places and people.
And do not forget, QUESTION EVERYTHING!
I did… and it has changed my life positively… for good. :)