Is your medical industry professional like this monkey? The purpose of this post is to educate them…and to shame them.
Are they covering their eyes so they can not see the truth… thinking that they can rationalize promoting a high carb, grain based meal plan to you because of ignorance?
Who are these ignorant medical industry professionals?
Doctors will whine when confronted, ‘oh I wasn’t trained in nutrition’… then stop preaching a low-fat, high carb, grain based meal plan to diabetics. If you talk nutrition, then be prepared to be ridiculed for it. You can not have it both ways. You can’t claim ignorance and at the same time promote an unhealthy diet for diabetics.
Nutritionist / Dietitians – no excuses here. It’s your job to know nutrition…. ignorance of low carb / paleo in 2009 … is one thing. It’s a totally different to claim ignorance in 2014. You would have to be hiding under a rock not to know the benefits of a low carb approach.
Diabetes Educators – YOU of all people should be promoting a low carb, paleo approach to diabetics. You know that most diabetics fail. You know that practically all of them increase drugs, insulin and illness… and yet you sit on your hands and do nothing.
Shame on the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Diabetes Educators. You have no shame. Your policies harm 10’s of millions around the world.
The graph below shows the results of a Very Low Carb Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) vs a Low Calorie (LCD).

Evidence of Low Carb Advantages – Studies
- Dietary Carbohydrate Restriction as the First Approach in Diabetes Management
- •Such diets reliably reduce high blood glucose, the most salient feature of diabetes.
- •Benefits do not require weight loss although nothing is better for weight reduction.
- •Carbohydrate-restricted diets reduce or eliminate medication.
- •There are no side effects comparable to those seen in intensive treatment with drugs.Note: If this interests you, read the bibliography at the end of the study link above. Many more references to explore.I eat a Very Low Carb, High Fat Ketogenic Style meal plan. I do not measure ketones so I can not say for sure but most says I eat fatty meats, butter, coconut oil and leafy green vegetables. Here is my meal plan.My entire blog and my life is a testament to a very low carb, high fat ketogenic lifestyle.
Special thanks to Ann Childers for providing me with this link and one below. She’s a Medical Industry Professional (MD) who is not sitting on her hands, nor is she covering her eyes… :)
- Low Carb Ketogenic Diet Beats Low Calorie Diet – “This study shows the beneficial effects of a ketogenic diet over the conventional LCD (low calorie diet) in obese diabetic subjects. The ketogenic diet appears to improve glycemic control.“
- Carbohydrate Restrictions improves the features of Metabolic Syndrome – “Carbohydrate restriction is one strategy for weight loss but, in addition, improves glycemic control, insulin levels, TAG and HDL levels even in the absence of weight loss.“
- High Protein, Low Carb Diet “… ingested for 5 weeks dramatically reduced the circulating glucose concentration in people with untreated type 2 diabetes.” Note: Carbs were 20% in this study, not what I would call low carb, but lowER carb than the Medical Industry promotes. ‘High’ and ‘low’ are subjective terms.
- A Palaeolithic Diet improves glucose tolerance more than a Mediterranean-like diet. There was a 26% decrease in the glucose measurements for the Paleo diet vs 7% for the Mediterranean diet group.
- Effects of Paleo Intervention – Short Term “This short-term intervention showed some favourable effects by the diet,..“
Seemingly every day I receive an email, message or comment about a diabetic who received horrible advice from a medical industry professional. I can relate… I heard it as well. Sadly, my personal experience in 2009 is very common with newly diagnosed diabetics even today.
“If I can figure out how to self-treat my diabetes, drug and insulin free, why can’t the medical industry?” Is it due to intellectual laziness, willful ignorance or greed? … or all three?
Seriously… I figured this out on my own way back in 2009!!!
Since 2009 there have been many studies promoting or supporting a low carb meal plan for helping not only diabetes but other diseases as well.
Since 2009 numerous articles have been published supporting a low carb, high fat meal plan. Entertainers Alec Baldwin and Drew Carey lost weight and improved their blood sugar levels. Even pro athletes are going lowER carb paleo as well as movie stars.
Since 2009, literally 1,000’s more diabetics have been proclaiming the advantages of a low carb meal plan in blogs, on nutrition boards and in comments on high carb sites. It is inconceivable that a Medical Industry professional can not know about the benefits of a low carb paleo style meal plan.
You would have to be a hermit living on a deserted island to not know of the reported advantages. Well another option… if you were a monkey with his eyes closed and covered so as to purposely avoid seeing the information.
Is your Medical Industry Professional a monkey with their hands covering their eyes?
How in the HELL can you claim that you are interested in helping diabetics … and then repeat the same harmful high carb, grain based dietary advice … day after day after day?
If you check my disclaimer at the bottom of each page …
The next time a Medical Industry Professional promotes a high carb, low-fat, grain based meal plan… ask them the last four questions in the previous paragraph. :)