When anyone stalls short of weight loss or blood sugar goals I recommend they keep a food journal. Diabetic Food Journals are an invaluable tool in managing diabetes. Here are two online food journals that I have used fitday.com and myfitnesspal.com
- Managing diabetes, especially type 2, is largely a dietary problem
- By keeping a diabetic food journal, you will know what you are eating
People often come to me with weight loss or blood sugar issues. The vast majority of the time, the person will underestimate the amount of carbohydrates and overestimate the fat grams.

I also suggest people eat and drink the typical foods and beverages that they normally drink. (hopefully according to my low carb paleo meal plan) when doing a food journal. If you change what you typically do, you are defeating the purpose. :)
Diabetic Food Journal Must
Food Journaling is FUN!
Ok, that’s a lie. It can be boring and tedious… I hate it. lol
Fitday.com is probably my favorite, once you build up a food record, it gets easier.
If you stall on your weight loss goals or blood sugar targets, diabetic food journals are a must!
Regardless, if YOU keep a food journal, you MUST record everything that crosses your lips. (I do not record coffee, water or unsweetened tea).
Below is a summary of one of my many diabetic food journals,

Diabetic Food Journal Results
72% calories from fats, 2% of my calories from carbohydrates and 26% from protein. Remember these percentages 72-2-26 … you will see them again. :)
Some would not call 128 grams of protein moderate, but it’s in line with 1 kg per lean body mass which I estimate mine at 135 lbs. In my opinion I follow a high fat, very low carb and moderate protein meal plan.
Note: These numbers do not include the fibers from my current experiment. When I did this food journal I wanted to show people what I typically eat, when I am not experimenting.
Historical Food Journal Ratios
The percentages mentioned above for fat, carbs and protein calories were taken during a 5 day period. How does this stack up with historical diabetic food journals? … well, let’s see. :)
My first food journal was in April 2010 (top line below). The reason I did the first food journal was due to elevated overnight fasting blood sugars. I believed the elevated blood sugars were due to a combination of stress and as the food journal pointed to … it could have been due to an increase in protein consumption. 158 grams as an average is high for me. I was also consuming a LOT of calories in general, 2.724. The highest ever recorded.
The second line below is my most recent diabetic food journal.
The 3rd line is an average of ALL of my food journals that I have posted.

The historical average of all food journals posted in my blog shows a ratio when rounding….
Calories from Fat = 72%, calories from carbs = 2% and calories from protein = 26%.
The percentages are the same as my most recent food journal. I found this VERY surprising, especially when looking at the differences in grams.
Food Journal Observations:
In the past, I have had diabetic food journals that were higher in fat, as high as 85% and some that were as low as 55%. There has always been a constant (unless I am experimenting) … carbohydrates are always in the 2-3% range.
In reviewing the past food journals, my ratios and food consumed in grams varied but there is an obvious trend of less food consumed over the years. Less protein, less carbohydrates and less fats…
What does this all mean to you?
There is one constant in all of my diabetic food journals, I maintain carbohydrates in the 2- 3% range of calories consumed.
In summing up my diabetic food journals thus far, I have been eating a ‘low carb paleo meal plan‘ since 2009. I am in the best fitness of my adult life, I have normal weight, normal blood pressure and normal blood sugars.
I fully intend on eating this way for the rest of my life… and at 54, that will be for at least another 50 years. :)
If I can do it, so can you. :)
*** If your blood sugars are elevated and you can not achieve my numbers…
READ MY BOOK! “How to Reduce Blood Sugars”.
PS – Let me thank TotalDiabetesSupply.com. I could not test as much as I do if it were not for them providing me with free testing supplies. . By the way, I am not compensated (other than free supplies) . They in no way influence my decisions or posting other than a ‘thank you’, occasionally. :)