Chicken Skin is so good and so good for you. My diabetes meal plan has a lot of fatty foods, like crispy chicken skin!
- high in fat with protein
- crispy, crunch & delicious!
- chicken skin bacon is part of my diabetes meal plan!
The American Diabetes Association has demonized animal fats for decades, they are wrong. Animal fats are healthy… and tasty!

A good friend of mine Tonette Cherie first recommended making ‘chicken bacon’ from chicken skins. As I recall we were talking about the deliciousness that is chicken thigh skins and she mentioned that she will occasionally cook the chicken skins like … BACON!!! What?
Chicken Skin is Diabetes Friendly
I have enjoyed chicken skin’s deliciousness for many years, several times a month. It has been several years since Tonette first mentioned this to me and today is the first time I tried chicken skin bacon!
It is AWESOME!!!
Not only is it tasty, if baked or broiled you can make it crunchy and crispy!
Best of all?
Chicken skin a diabetes friendly food! It has a little protein but is high in fat, which makes it a PERFECT food for any diabetic food list!
And as with all of my foods … it’s so simple even a caveman can do it!!! :)
Making Chicken Skin Bacon
1) Skin Removal – I used chicken thighs but all chicken skin is tasty.
I love to use chicken thighs because the meat is fatty, juicy deliciousness too. :)
Simply pull the skin off, it’s generally tough enough not to break up as you are pulling it off the meat.
2) Place in the bottom of the broiler pan. You can use a cast iron skillet if you are only cooking a couple. You can even use the top of the broiler pan, but I like for the skins to cook in the fat.
Spread the chicken skin out so it browns evenly.

3) Place in the oven and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes on 300 degrees.
The last 15-20 minutes broil on the low setting. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
If I had more patience I’d let these brown a little more. :)
The picture below is immediately after coming out of the oven,
Pro Tip: I do use tongs to turn them and coat them in the rendered fat in the bottom of the pan. It makes the seasonings stick to the skin better. :)

The picture above was too ‘shiny’ with all of the fat still ‘wet’, so I stepped outside and took this picture after seasoning it with salt and pepper.
You can see how firm it is… very ‘bacon-like’.
It’s crispy, crunchy … I’m going to experiment making ‘taco shells’ with some next time. :)

Open Your Mind and Explore
Open up your mind and your creativity.
Explore new foods and new preparation methods.
The variety helps many people.
I do know this…
II am never going back to the low-fat, grain based way of eating…. NEVER!
Note: If your blood sugars are elevated and you can not achieve my numbers…
READ MY BOOK! “How to Reduce Blood Sugars”.
PS – Let me thank I could not test as much as I do if it were not for them providing me with free testing supplies. . By the way, I am not compensated (other than free supplies) . They in no way influence my decisions or posting other than a ‘thank you’, occasionally. :)