Big Food and Big Pharma using fraudulent science, have propped up the failed low fat, high carb dietary guidelines. State governmental and health agencies are attempting to silence those of us sharing low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes.
- Governmental agencies have attempted to silence contrary viewpoints.
- State health agencies have attempted to silence contrary viewpoints
The medical industry discourages a low carb paleo meal plan for managing diabetes. Because of this, millions of diabetics suffer needlessly, every single day.

Corporate profits and therefore careers are at stake, as are trillions of dollars in future revenue streams. Big Food, Big Pharma nor the Medical Industry will give up without a fight.
State Intimidated Low Carb Paleo Blogger
That’s me. :)
The State of NC tried to stop me from providing diabetics with low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes. In this post, “Freedom of Nutritional Speech is Threatened“, I talk about how the state attempted to infringe upon my freedom of speech, specifically nutritional speech.
A point I hammered home over and over, “If the state is allowed to infringe upon my freedom of nutritional speech, diabetics would not know there is a better way to manage diabetes.’
Diabetics will NOT hear about low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes, from their Medical Industry professional. If the state closed my site (and other similar sites) diabetics would be left with only Big Food, Big Pharma approved, high-carb, grain-based diabetes dietary advice.
The state’s attorney disputed that I was being threatened with injunctions because of my ‘low carb paleo approach’. I don’t think anyone really believes him, that I would have been threatened with injunctions and possible jail time had I been promoting the high carb, grain based diabetes nutritional guidelines like everyone else.
Anti Low Carb Persecution
Not me, Jennifer Elliott. :) She is the dietitian whom the Dietetics Ass of Australia (DAA) expelled for promoting low carb dietary advice to diabetics!!! I bash the DAA in these previous posts “Blinded By Science” and “DAA & Diabetes“.
Furthermore, in her post “Local Health District says…” Jennifer quotes her employer, the Southern NSW Local Health District administrator as saying,
“Nutritional advice to clients must not include a low carbohydrate diet. Jennifer will be advised on the information that she may provide to clients…. ”
This is unbelievable! In 2015??
Note: This is a big deal. The State is New South Wales, one of five Australian states and the most populous state in Australia. It’s home to Sydney, the state’s capital and the most populous city in Australia. The policies they set influence the country and affect millions of people.
Low Carb Paleo Works
More success stories and actual studies are being produced that show the benefits of low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes. Yet here is the Dietetics Ass. of Australia expelling a low carb advocate and then a state health official, publicly announcing an anti low carb nutritional policy for diabetes management!
Unbelievable!! It is on one level, but on another level it’s not surprising at all.
A quote from Jennifer in her post, “Local Health District says…”
“Can you imagine having to tell a client with diabetes, who has lowered his BGLs, lost weight and come off all diabetes medications by reducing his carb intake, that he now has to start eating more carbs because SNSW Health says so !?”
The statement above is hurtful and harmful, but at least the person heard the truth, it’s up to them to decide.
Think of the 100’s of millions of diabetics worldwide who will never hear of a ‘low carb paleo ‘ approach to managing diabetes if the bureaucratic lackeys of Big Food and Big Pharma have their way.
If Big Food, Big Pharma and the Medical Industry has it’s way, no one will hear low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes.
Influencing Nutritional Advice
Big Food and Big Pharma sponsor and therefore taint much of the nutritional research and disease protocols. I’ve spent a great deal of time pointing this out, here is my first ‘study’ dissection, “Failed The Smell Test“. A more recent post, on the “American Society of Nutrition“, I show with links, the sponsors of this group, a “Who’s Who” of Big Food.
Without question Big Food, Big Pharma nor the Medical Industry wants anyone promoting low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes. They do not want any group promoting low carb paleo, now there is proof.
There is no doubt Big Food, Big Pharma taint nutritional and disease studies.
There is no doubt that Big Food, Big Pharma influence dietary and disease protocol groups.
Trillions of dollars are at stake in future revenue streams for Big Food, Big Pharma and the Medical Industry. Jobs, careers and livelihoods hang in the balance.
The lives of diabetics and others with diseases … mean little to them.
Millions suffer while a relative few profit.

Take One Small Action
Send an email or two. PLEASE write an email to:
Jillian Skinner
Let Jillian know how despicable she and her organizations are.
- For expelling Jennifer for promoting a low-carb approach for diabetics.
- For denying low carb paleo dietary advice for managing diabetes
While you are at it … write the Dietitians Ass. of Australia an email too.
Tell them to stop censoring the truth!! The truth is, low carb paleo is the best dietary approach for managing diabetes.
Sedentary lifestyle and sitting a lot are associated with increased risk for diabetes.