I found the wristband while running in the park on Christmas day. It inspired me to write this post. Nobody can stop me from maintaining truly normal blood sugars.
- Nobody can stop me from eating only real, low-carb foods.
- Nobody can stop me from exercising today.
Nobody can stop me from improving my health and fitness. Nobody will interfere with my happiness.

Nobody can make you eat candy, cakes, cookies, bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, rice. No one forces you eat those foods.
You Are The Boss of You
- You decide what you eat.
- You decide you will exercise
- You will decide to change your life
No More Excuses
It’s time for you to stop making excuses and start controlling your blood sugars.
You know you should maintain truly normal blood sugars, if not… read this post on what my blood sugar targets are and why I chose them.
Diabetes does NOT have to be a debilitating disease.
Diabetes does NOT have to be a death sentence.
And nobody can stop you from THRIVING and not ‘just’ surviving. Nobody.
Here are my blood sugars taken Christmas Day.
I thrive and so can you.
Nobody can stop me from maintaining truly normal blood sugars.
Let nobody stand in your way… nobody.