I love big butts! I will not lie… Boston butts that is. Fatty meats are the cornerstone of my low carb paleo diabetes diet.
- Fat has little to no blood sugar affect, it’s low glycemic.
- Boston Butts are one of my favorite diabetic friendly foods.
What’s not to love about fatty Boston Butts!? Delicious, nutritious. They have two main requirements for THRIVING! Fats and proteins.

Boston Butts are so versatile! They have plenty of meat for several meals, I can use the skin for homemade pork rinds and I use the bone to make bone broth soup!
Boston Butt is on my Diabetes Diet
I am a fan of ‘fatty meats’, they are the cornerstone of my meal plan, the meal plan that allows me to THRIVE and not ‘just’ survive with diabetes.
Pork butts are meaty, fatty deliciousness. Full of good fat and good protein. What’s not to love?
Yesterday I bought a large Boston Butt, it was too large to fit into my crock pot so I sliced three small ‘roasts’ off of the bone and placed in the crock pot.
Note: I also added 3 links of locally made Chorizo, a spicy hot pork sausage with no fillers. Just meat and spices. I often use these instead of adding spices. I avoid the Chorizo sold in stores, they include too many preservatives and fillers.
Below is a picture of one of the small roasts I cooked in the crock pot. I sliced some and chopped the rest. (Click to enlarge all pictures)
This next picture is the roast, sliced and seasoned with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. MMMmmm good!
Boston Butt Pork Skins!
In addition to the small roasts, I also trimmed away the pork skin. The process only takes a few minutes. Here is a post I wrote just on that topic, “Homemade Pork Rinds“.
Even after removing some of the meat and the pork skin, the Boston Butt would still not fit into the crock pot. I decided to cook the remainder in the oven on 350F for a couple of hours. Here was my dinner yesterday.
I love the nice glaze oven roasting gives the meat. <3
Boston Butt Bone Broth
The bone and remaining meat finally fit into the crock pot.
I will cook the bone overnight, the meat and broth will make an excellent bone broth soup tomorrow!!! I can’t wait!
All parts of the Boston Butt are very low carb, and very diabetic friendly!
Note: I kept the broth from the separate smaller pork roasts I cooked the other day. It still had the chorizo ‘juice’ as well. This will be an FANTASTIC bone broth soup… I guarantee it!
Boston Butt is My Friend
Fatty meats are the KEY to winning the war with diabetes.
My favorite economical fatty meats are ground beef, chicken thighs, chuck steaks, chuck roasts, pork roasts, salmon and lastly sardines.
Other foods I recommend include eggs, coconut oil, butter and organ meats. Click here to see the full meal plan and food links.
Reduce Your Blood Sugar the Warrior Way
Below is my personal ‘diabetes care’ manual. It is truly diabetes friendly, not Big Food, Big Pharma and Medical Industry friendly. Every person who follows my plan improves blood sugar control. Not coincidentally, each person who follows my diabetes care plan reduces the profits of Big Food, Big Pharma and the Medical Industry.
How to Reduce Blood Sugars.