After discovering a low carb diet could help me self-treat my diabetes, I began to look for low carb alternatives for some of my favorite foods.
While eating at a local Cuban restaurant I saw an order of fried plantains… and the thought popped up, “What if I fried the very firm, green avocados?” … so the next time I bought avocados I selected a very green avocado to fry…. I was NOT disappointed!
I am generally not a patient person and this is even more true when it comes to food. If I buy avocados, I don’t want to wait days or even weeks for them to ripen before I enjoy them. Frying hard avocados is a great way to enjoy them… without the wait!
Low Carb Avocado Fries Recipe
The recipe couldn’t be simpler.
Cut slices of avocado, fry or bake them, season and enjoy!
Step 1: Remove the skin of the avocado using a potato peeler. You can use a knife but a peeler is much simpler and less wasteful.
Note: Keep the avocado in the refrigerator, keeping them cool will prevent them from getting mushy. (Thanks Kelly Tee!)

Step 2: Remove the Pit by halving the avocado. This can be a bit challenging with a hard avocado, but carefully work the knife around lengthwise. Then gently pry the ‘meat’ apart until half the avocado is separated from the pit.
Next, on the half that still is attached to the pit, cut more lengthwise strips and pry it away until the rest of the meat is removed from the pit.
Note: For some avocado a cork screw can be used to pry away the pit. (Thanks Kelly Tee)
Step 3: Slice the avocado into fries with the desired thickness. The thinner you cut them, the less time required to cook.
Step 4: Add your fat or oil to a skillet (or pan), and set to medium heat until your desired fat or oil is melted. Coat the entire bottom of the skillet. You don’t need a lot of fat, but you need enough to keep the avocado from sticking. In this batch I simply used the residual fat from 4 pieces of bacon. :) However, in a previous batch I used about a TBS of coconut oil but later added another.
NOTE: I prefer to use butter, unrefined coconut oil, or rendered animal fats for cooking. If you aren’t sure how to render fats, here’s a post.
Fry to your desired level of tenderness. We prefer a bit of ‘char’ for the crispy ‘french fry’ texture. These were cooked for about 12 minutes, six on each side.

Step 5: Seasoning – We just use salt because we love the flavor of the fried avocado, but you can certainly experiment with your favorite spices.
Low Carb Alternatives
A major factor in successfully self treating diabetes is reducing or avoiding high carb foods, foods like potato based french fries. Avocado fries are just another example of ‘low carb alternatives’ … alternatives to high carb foods.
Here’s a link to my meal plan and a listing to other food recipes on this site.
It’s not easy to successfully self treat diabetes … but it is absolutely WORTH IT!
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