Three years ago today I received news that would alter my ‘life path’, a diabetes diagnosis.
Life changing events can come in many forms… some events are the equivalent of being hit in the head with a ‘2 x 4’ … some are more subtle. The diabetes diagnosis was definitely a ‘2 x 4’ moment.
I’ll provide links at the end of the post for those that don’t know my story but in brief…
Before my diabetes diagnosis, I was an obese, chronically sick, miserable, prescription drug popping, sedentary, carb addicted … diabetic. Below is a picture, providing some evidence of the previous statement. ;)
February 15, 2009 – Diabetes Diagnosis, Admitted into the hospital
February 18, 2009 – Discharged from the hospital, insulin and drug dependent
March 2009 – weaned off all drugs and insulin, by the end of March I had weaned off all drugs and insulin. I had “ADA normal’ blood sugars but my blood sugars were not ‘non-diabetic’ normal.
May 2009 – Started blogging , my first blog post’s link is here, “Steve Cooksey’s Journey“.
August 1, 2009 – after months of gradually ‘going primal’ … on 8/1/09 I went ‘fully primal’. Eating, moving and living primally according to Mark Sisson’s “The Primal Blueprint”. Here is his post that gave me what I call my ‘nutritional epiphany’, “Bite Me ADA“.
January 31, 2010 – Wrote my first post on, a ‘paleo’ blog. In May 2010 I decided to start posting on While the paleo/primal message benefits everyone, not all paleo/primal messages are THE best advice for diabetics, eating highER carb foods comes to mind. Even though they are ‘real foods’… they are not a wise choice for diabetics.
May 2010 – was born. Thanks to the support and encouragement of MANY OF YOU … it has consistently grown every month. I can’t THANK YOU enough for the support …
… many personally great moments since then… here are a few “Barefoot in the Snow“, “Primal Father’s Day“, “Pelican Watch“, “Barefoot Runner“.
January 2012 – is investigated “for … egads! Giving nutritional advice and counseling!!! … I’m being investigated by the State of North Carolina and specifically the North Carolina Board of Dietetics and Nutritionalists and … I was found to be in violation of state law.
Just a note: According to the ‘review’ of my site. (Click Here for the post) .. I’m still violating state law. In my opinion, the state law is in violation of the United States Constitution… a ‘higher power’ in my opinion.
This link is if for news updates, “Investigation News“
Links to my Story
FYI, all of these are clickable from any page, either above the header or in the column on the right.
About Me, Labels of Drugs I Took, Ailments Then and Now … and if you REALLY want an overdose of Steve … and who doesn’t… (I jest) then CLICK HERE NOW for the ‘Personal’ posts! :)
Lastly… here is a post I did for Thanksgiving awhile back … “Thanks for DIABETES?”
In Closing
Without a doubt the greatest ‘accomplishment’ during the last three years is helping people change their lives for the better. I am and have been drug free since March 2009 … my new ‘drug addiction’ is hearing people say, ‘thank you’.
… and for that… I thank YOU! :)
The last three years have been a blur. Time and life is flying by at record speed…. it is true, “the older you get the faster time goes’.
So take time to ‘smell the roses’ … enjoy a sunrise … or perhaps a sunset… like this one. :)
Whatever you do … start THRIVING and NOT just surviving.

Congrat’s on the anniversary and thanks for all the hard work!
Thanks Keith, you are welcome and thank you for all you do too! :)
Well I see that North Carolina is also picking on sack lunches from home and now going after moms from the sounds of it.
They are now forcing kids to toss their sack lunches and eat chicken nuggets. North Caroline has become a big nanny state.
I am so glad I don’t live in that state.
Hey Steve, yours is a great story. I appreciate all the good information. God Bless!