How to obtain truly normal blood sugars and why that’s important.
Are You…
- Sick and tired of being sick and tired?
- Confused about what to eat?
- Do you want to lose body fat?
- Ready to rekindle your ZEST FOR LIVING?
In early 2009, I’d have answered “YES!” to all of the questions above. I was not happy.
I was obese, chronically sick, … and I had lost my zest for living.
My Diabetes Story
Context of the picture (right): I was eating dinner with friends and family, and when asked to smile … a peace sign was all I was willing to ‘give’.
After months of being chronically sick, I’d had enough. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Shortly after being wheeled into Urgent Care in a wheelchair .. I was rushed to the hospital via ambulance. I would end up spending 3 nights in Intensive Care and I exited with a diabetes diagnosis.
My blood sugar was 740 mg/dl (41 mmol/l), my A1C was “too high to read”, and I was close to falling into a diabetic coma!

I left the hospital an obese, chronically sick, drug and insulin-dependent diabetic… taking (4) insulin shots a day just to survive.
However, my diabetes story had a happy ending! Through research and self-experimentation I found a better way… a better way to self-treat diabetes!
I began to read and research medical papers and studies …reading everything I could get my hands on relating to diet, nutrition, fitness, and diabetes care.
I began experimenting based on my research… with amazing results.
In less than a couple of months I was able to wean off of all drugs and insulin, and just three months after diagnosis I’d brought my A1c down to 5.8%. I accomplished this by following a very low-carb diet, intermittent fasting, and almost daily exercise.
Now YOU can benefit from my years of research and self-experimentation!
There is a better way to self-treat diabetes!

Things You Will Learn
- How to lower blood sugars and why that is critical to your successful self-treatment of diabetes.
- The ADA and Medical Industry Blood Sugar Targets.
- Actual Blood Sugar targets to halt diabetic complications.
- The best exercises for reducing blood sugars and when to perform them.
- Steps you can take today!!! … to start your successful diabetes journey.
- Cut through the confusing diabetes advice.

Why I Wrote This Book
Through research, study and self-experimentation, I discovered the truth. “Diabetes” doesn’t cause anything. It’s elevated blood sugars (and elevated insulin) that cause diabetic complications. I set out to discover the best ways to obtain and maintain truly normal blood sugars.
I wrote this book:
1) To give people the information they needed to halt the progression of diabetic complications by normalizing their blood sugars, so they would not have to suffer the ravages of diabetes, as so many diabetics do.
2) The ADA and its large corporate donors profit mightily off of the harmful advice they provide diabetics. When people follow the advice in this book, they require less medical services from the medical industry, they eat less Big Food products and they require less Big Pharma drugs … reducing the profits of those that profit off of the pain and suffering of diabetics is a major plus for me.
My Promises to YOU
Promise #1: You will know the value of maintaining truly normal blood sugars. There are many benefits but the most important … halting the progression of the disease and thereby halting the progression of diabetic complications.
Promise #2: I will show you concrete, actionable steps to start reducing your blood sugars today!
Order Now on Amazon! …and let’s get busy!