Do you need help managing diabetes or weight loss? Let me help…
- break the chains of grain and sugar addictions once and for all.
- normalize blood sugars and enjoy LIVING again!
Elevated blood sugars, even those on the high range of what some call ‘normal blood sugars’ are linked to increased risk for health problems. You know this but the thought of changing your way of eating seems overwhelming? Let me help YOU manage diabetes.

There is so much conflicting and confusing advice. I know breaking addictions is difficult, I’ve done it. Let me help you start your journey to improved health and fitness. Choose a support package below and today and let’s get busy!
Do You Need Support Managing Diabetes
Do you need personalized help losing weight or managing diabetes?
Why me? I am a formerly obese, formerly drug and insulin dependent diabetic who maintains normal body weight and normal non-diabetic blood sugars while being drug and insulin FREE!
And I have helped many reduce weight while reducing their drugs and insulin requirements.
I have maintained the weight loss AND I have not needed nor have I taken a diabetes drug nor insulin since March 2009.
More importantly, I obtained and maintained truly normal blood sugars… normal blood sugars for non-diabetics. :)
I follow and promote a truly low inflammatory lifestyle and in my opinion it’s the best way for everyone to live. Every single person can benefit from this lifestyle. There are no “magic” lotions, potions nor pills.
There is a better way to successfully manage diabetes.
There is a better way to eat, to play, and to live. Let me show you how.
Are You Tired of Paying for Harmful Advice
Are you paying for expensive diabetes advice that is causing you to take more drugs and more insulin? Yet, you are getting sicker and sicker?
Do you suffer from Diabetes Symptoms?
Do you have Diabetes Complications?
How much are you spending for drugs, insulin and doctor visits each month?
How much is it worth to RECLAIM your health and fitness?
How much is it worth to add not only years to your life but to also add life to your years!?
I know you’re jaded! I know your skeptical!
There is a better way to manage diabetes!!
Read the testimonials from others that I have helped to turn their health around, then select a package that best fits your needs. As always the information and articles on this blog are free for you to read – this support is for those who need hands on assistance to implement the meal plan and lifestyle changes they desire.
“You changed our lives, and possibly helped my son live a longer life. Bless you! You influenced him also to play football … (he) thought he couldn’t do what others did, he decided that he was gonna control the disease & not let it control him…. there are people being helped by you!” ~ Lori
“I love you for pushing me to go low carb primal. Just got my latest blood test results and they just blew me away.” ~ Melissa

“Thank you Steve… you have taught me much! I never imagined I could take back my health!! Steve, you have played a huge role in making that dream possible! The incredible amount of resources you share regarding the Paleo/Primal meal plan, diabetes and fitness is the reason that I have been able to achieve my goals — my diabetes is down to normal ranges, and normal lipid panel! One again, thank you for changing my life!” ~ Karen
“It’s you reaching people, making a HUGE difference in people’s lives! … You drive your point home and ANYONE that opens their mind to go primal for 10 days and sees the results in their BG would be a damn fool to go back to eating like an IDIOT!” ~Brian
Choose a support package that is best for you …and lets get started reducing insulin and drugs!

Support Packages
Phone Support – $30 per half hour
If you prefer make a list of questions and email me before you call!
Warrior Package $149.95
$149.95 per month (4 weeks, 28 days)
(4) 30 minute phone conversations per month, from 8 AM to 8 PM EST. (12 hour response time)
PLUS (4) Email Q & A’s (24 hr response time)
Change Your Life NOW Plan $499.95
Also called, ‘Invite me to live with you for a week plan’ :)
For those needing an intensive, ‘hands on’ lifestyle makeover. I will take your hand and show you the way.
$499.95 for five full 24 hr days, plus traveling and incidental expenses while on location.
A sample week would be, me traveling to your destination on Sunday and spending Monday through Friday with you. I would leave on Saturday.
I will show you how to grocery shop, how to cook, how to eat, how to play, how to live!
Daily: Hours are flexible depending on the client’s schedule. Generally eight hours of “Steve Time” per day will be scheduled from the hours of 8 am to 8 pm.
Special considerations will be given for special circumstances.
Let me work with you to turn your life around… in ONE WEEK!

People it TRULY is SIMPLE… but it is not EASY!!!
I have personal experience in losing weight and and controlling my blood sugars…
Equally important, I have experience in helping others… DO THE SAME!
To the right are recent blood pressure readings and weight. :)
Let me help YOU manage diabetes:

1) Improve Blood Sugar Control
2) Lose Weight
3) Improve YOUR health and fitness.
CHOOSE A PACKAGE that best fits your needs… and let’s GET BUSY!
Note: I am not a doctor, nutritionist nor dietitian. In fact I have no formal medical or nutritional training.
Please view my Disclaimer at the very bottom of each and every page.